Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Hi everybody. Sorry there have been no posts for the past three days. For the first three days I was taking a vow of silence because it was international humans rights day and my school was trying to raise awarness for children in the world that are not allowed to have a voice. In the other case yesterday I  did not have access to the internet. As for today I am gonna post some new photos and would also like to share the fact that I might have an opportunity to supply a photo for the cover of a new book that is coming out. Thanks so much for anyone who follows me (on blogspot) and just stopped on my page to read. Hope you like my new photos.       xoxo Photogirl

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Soooo, enough photos for now well, i guess there can never be enough pics but i'd like to tell you a little but about me:) Okayy, so here's my very own interpretation: I am a girl who could NEVER live without music, seriously if it's not on around me then it's blasting in my head (it can get kind of irritating.) I am constantly taking photos, and am a photographer. I  own my very own SANYO VPC-E890. I am currently saving up for new Canon EOS Rebel. Religiously I'm bit of an athiast but i guess there are maybe some things that I believe in, not god or anything though (no offense to anyone religious reading this, i have no errhh....big problems with religion,) it's just not for me.I love visual arts, mostly sketching. I have an okay singing voice but am usually to shy to sing in front of people; crappy I know! I am a pretty good writer but I generally do well on longer pieces, so don't expect anything too amazing on here. As well I had purple hair but now it's faded to a reddish color, hope to re-dye it soon. For anyone that has and questions on here please feel free to post comments and I will gladly answer them.Thanks so much,

xoxo Photogirl

Day 1, part 2

Here are also some shots of the sunset in mid-fall i know, dorky 8)
xoxo Photogirl

Day 1.

Hiii everybody, I am starting a project and will be posting something new everyday! For my very first post i am going to show you a little bit of my past photos. Hope you like it!

xoxo Photogirl